Monday, July 20, 2009


Two great things are happening today.

1) It's the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 moon landing. You need to have been living in a moon cave to not have heard this, as it's been plastered all over the Earth print and the web and TV for the past few days. A highly fantastic anniversary. Sadly, we still don't travel by jetpack these days, but we do have this book to compensate.

2) In a nutty homage to #1, Google's Street View's typical little yellow man has turned into an astronaut. Also newsworthy is the fact that Street View has now become much more streamlined; I've noticed it's moving faster and more smoothly with the zoom-in feature.

Another Street View Easter egg, for those interested, is the picture of the Google (Street View?) team along the headquarters at Charleston Rd in Mountain View, CA.

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One of my favorites is a Googler dressed up as Link at 1650 Charleston.

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Right next to Link is a homemade astronaut poster in honor of today. But what is up with the Canadian and French flags? 'Xplain yourself, you international lunar kniggit.

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And what would a Google Team pic be without a marriage proposal (at 1644 Charleston)? It just wouldn't be the same, I tell you. Not the same at all. Goofy Googlers.

1 comment:

  1. I just wanted to say that I love that you have a drawn version of the Lolita Lempicka perfume bottle as your avatar, so cute! Love your blog as well!


